Tuesday, February 06, 2007


So I officially changed my blog over to do something with a Gmail account. I really don't know what any of it means, other than the fact that my blog was inaccessible for a couple of days. And the really crappy part was that yetserday, I was dying to blog about something, though I have no idea what it was. (I'd guess it was probably something about Giuliani moving closer to a candidacy and the absolute fear that strikes in my heart. YIKES!)

The other weird thing is there's a couple of things going on in my life now that I'm interested in sharing, but I can't blog about because somebody's patrolling the blogosphere looking for blogs on that particular subject to stay aware. Sheesh!

So on a different note, I had a good lunch with someone from Act One today. He's another aspiring TV writer and learned many things that I would NEVER have expected, but it was fun and I'm definitely glad that I got to.

And no, I don't want to talk about the mess that 24 devolved into last night. For a while, I thought I might have been watching What About Brian? it became such a mess. (But let's give Brian a "yea!" for having the good sense of casting Tom Parker as the "Manny." He was great on Everwood and he's on my short list of "actors I'd like to watch on a weekly basis" list. Maybe I'll just have to write something for him.)


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