Thursday, February 01, 2007

Little Guy

Here's an interesting article about one of the more below-the-radar characters to pop up in a hit this season. The article talks about Justin, Betty's twelve year old nephew, on Ugly Betty. There's no doubt that the kid's flamboyant and an aspiring fashionista, but does that mean he's gay? According to the creators and showrunners, he's too young to even think about that.
That--is really exciting to hear. In an era where EVERYTHING has become hypersexualized, it's encouraging to realize that there are people who recognize that it's impossible to know ANYTHING about sexuality at that age.

I do know that there are several people who are worried about this being "television's first gay kid." Actually, if you'll go back and look at Oliver Beene, you'll discover that nomiker's already been taken. Second, if you look at the way that Betty introduces stereotypical characters and begins undercutting what you think about them, you may discover that Justin will turn out completely different from what you expect. I'm not arguing that he'll hang out with Saracen and Riggins over on Friday Night Lights, but a few years into the show, he may look completely different from how he does now.


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