Friday, July 29, 2005

No Disparaging Remarks

Last month the company I worked for in DC laid off 1/3 of its employees. It was ugly, unseemly, and I was glad that I got out when I did. In fact, every day as I glean nuggets about what's going on over there I'm glad I'm getting out. More over, as the additional defections start, I'm glad for those people getting out before the place goes under. (And I suspect it's only just a matter of time.)

Last night I found out the lovely addendum to the lay-offs. Apparently in the severance package the company offered was a clause that by accepting the severance package, the signee was legally obligated not to make issues, publish, or make public any grievances the employee had with the company for one calendar year.

Seriously. It's in the severance agreement. Violating that clause can result in a $5,000 fine for each violation AND the offendee will also have to pay the company's court costs.

Well, I never signed such an agreement, so I now feel like I have a cause. To make issue, publish, and make public all the grievances anyone might have with the company. But then I realized, I only have 24 hours in a day. There isn't enough time to really go through the exhaustive laundry list of everything that's wrong with the company.

I mean, I could cite it's lack of strategic vision, lack of belief in its employees, poor management, inability to bring in diversify, and questionable ethics and accounting practices, but seriously--that wouldn't even be the start of it. I've always joked that I should take my experiences and write Office Space: the Musical. Now I feel like it's my mission. First, maybe I'll start with a short story. I don't know. I have to put together a marketing strategy.

Is this an overreaction? ABSOLUTELY NOT! I've always been an believer that stupidity in any form must be stamped out. It's time to put on the platform shoes and get stompin'.


At 5:49 AM, Blogger Royale said...

Ouch. Touche.

I had a similar feeling when I left my company of 3 years to go to law school. The company kept deteriorating until they finally moved their officeces to Norfolk and laid off everyone who didn't want to move with them.

I was like....hahahahahahaa

At 6:40 AM, Blogger The Marinara said...

I have never felt any of those feelings for the company where I have spent 7 wonderful years of my life

Seriosuly, the most frustrating thing is that as much noise that you make, you can really never make a difference. Ultimately it is out of your hands.


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