Monday, July 11, 2005

My Name Twin

So there's this really great extended family at church that has completely taken my friends from Chattanooga and myself under their wing. --Random tangent-blogging in Barnes and Noble and just had a celebrity sighting for a show I've specked-continuing on. I'm not 100% sure how many children are in this family, but I think it's between 7-9. Then there are grandchildren too. When I was over there for the Fourth of July, one of the grandchildren, a four year old boy, realized that we shared the same first name. Thus, he dubbed me his name twin.

Adorable, right? So, every time I show up at a church service, he comes barreling towards me, tries to jump up on me and asks if I'm coming over to his house to play. I haven't effectively convinced him that I'm not really a playmate. That probably has to do with the fact that when I'm over there, all I do is keep stopping up and down so that he and his three old brother can take turns climbing on my back for piggyback rides. (If you doubt it, I have the bruises on my sides where they dig in their knees. I'd be more than glad to show you.) I also don't think he realizes I'm not part of the family since yesterday he asked me to zip up his pants.

So yesterday, I went back to the family's house for lunch after worship. My name twin decided he wanted to ride there with me, so of course, I had to try and make room for him in my back seat. I thought I did a pretty good job of that until we started going and notebooks and papers were falling on top of him. (Remember, I'm living out of my car now, so I have a good excuse for having a lot of stuff back there.)

We had lunch. Thankfully, I think he and the other kids got distracted at sodidn'ting, or didn'tt like it when I toldhadn'tm that I hadn't brought playcouldn'ts, so I couldn't roll in the dirt with them since I had to wear what I had on back to church. When we started to get ready to head back to church, my name twin announced that he wanted to ride with me. The complication arose when his little brother also wanted to ride. Unfortunately, there was no way I could make enough room in my car for both of them. I had too much speaker equipment. (Long story.) So I told them they had to decide for themselves who was getting to ride with me. (I know that three and four year olds don't have the rationality to figure those things out, but I was not about to play bad cop.)

The boys had their mom decide. She decided that since the name twin rode to the house with me, the younger brother could ride back with me. (That's what I would've done too, if I'd been her.) The younger brother is still small enough that we had to put his car seat in the back of my vehicle, and let me tell you, I feel like getting that thing into my backseat was difficult enough that I can now list it as a skill on my resume.

The moment the car seat went in, my name twin started crying. Apparently, he cried the entire thirty minutes on the way to church. So while his mom got an earful of crying, I got an earful of "We there yet?" "We there yet?"on continuous play. Even still, I felt really bad when I accidentally rolled up the back window on his little fingers. (I've never had to use the child locks on my windows before.)

I definitely sense that there are going to be many, many more adventures that result with these two. I know that at some point, I'm going to offer to take the two boys for a Sunday afternoon and give their parents some peace. Even now, I can tell what a mistake that could turn out to be. I think I'll make sure to have reinforcements available at that time.


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