Friday, July 01, 2005

If I were the president

I'm sure the White House has already sprung into action over Justice O'Connor's announcement that she's retiring. Between she and Rehnquist--they're guaranteed then to get to make at least two Supreme Court nominations during the rest of this term. It's possible that they may even get to make more. Who knows.

I don't think anybody doubts that this confirmation process has the potential to be long, arduous, and ugly. And then, the White House may have to turn around and go through it all again. If I were at 1600 Penn., I think I'd be focusing on how to make my life easier for the next little bit.

Sure, the White House is going to feel pressure to appoint another woman to fill O'Connor's position, but I think that would be a mistake. If they decide to, it's fine, but they shouldn't feel like they have to. The Supreme Court is not about quotas in any way, shape or form. And Ginsburg will still represent the estrogen on the court.

For Justice O'Connor's position, I would nominate--Sen. Orrin Hatch.

Here's why:
  1. He's a smart man. He's intelligent, his background would serve him well and he'd be able to do the job. At least as thoroughly as some of the other justices. And as former head of the Judicial Committee, he knows what's going on.
  2. He's conservative. Hatch would really please the social conservatives that support Bush because he is one of the more socially conservative Senators.
  3. It wouldn't screw up the Senate. UT Governor Huntsman can appoint another Republican until a special election when a Republican will be officially put into the seat by the voters. No shift in the Senate's power.
  4. He would be an easy confirmation. This is a huge one. I've always suspected that Hatch supported Specter for the judicial Chairmanship for this reason. Hatch has been floated as a potential for a while, so he might suspect this is coming. Moreover, Hatch is well-respected in the Senate. Nobody's going to really go after him. His politics are known. I find it impossible to believe that enough Democrats would try and filibuster his appointment. He could be confirmed VERY quickly.

I'm sure there are lots of names bandied about and there are things to consider I'm not aware of at all, but if I could whisper something in the President's ear, that's what I'd suggest.


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