Thursday, June 23, 2005

Counting Blessings

So I just found out that the company I worked for in DC just laid off 10 people--approximately 1/3 of its staff. Apparently the Department of Labor de-funded LRG's largest contract by 73% and decisions had to be made.

While I have absolutely no idea what this means for me being able to continue working part-time with them, I really haven't stopped thinking about the people that are being laid off. Most of them are younger, junior staff--even a couple of interns. Somebody had just signed a lease and moved into a new house last weekend, while another had recently bought house. A third had just been laid off a job less than two years ago before coming to LRG.

And I really can't imagine what it's like to be on the opposite end, telling someone they're being let go. I am sure that no matter how much the situation wasn't your fault, there is something in the back of your mind wondering if you could've taken other steps to avoid someone losing their job. And then how do you deal with the staff morale problem? Because when you have people bursting into tears during the meeting informing them of this, you know it's going to be tough. How do you solve that? How do you get around it? How do you recover?

If it were an individual trying to regroup, then I think there would be things that could be said that would help, but I don't know how a corporate entity recovers.

I'm really glad this isn't something I'm in the middle of. Even watching from the sidelines is difficult and uncomfortable.


At 12:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Used to work at a non-profit that had to let a bunch of folks go after 9-11. As far as the morale of those left behind, it definitely made everyone work harder and realize that it could have been them. It really lights the fire under your chair to make yourself as indispensable as possible so that if there's a round two, you're less likely to get cut.

At 7:58 AM, Blogger Sarah Anne Sumpolec said...

Wow - God's timing is perfect isn't it? I'm sorry for those that you care about in DC, but I'm glad you moved when you did:-)

At 8:00 AM, Blogger Sarah Anne Sumpolec said...

Wow - God's timing is perfect isn't it? I'm sorry for those that you care about in DC, but I'm glad you moved when you did:-)


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