Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Boom goes the dynamite!

Hot Dog!

"Veronica Mars" was back in shape last night, just like she'd never left or had that horrible little run in with Beaver. The show was fun, witty, pity, and full of the banter the show revels in.

What was my favorite part? Veronica's discovery of "Battlestar Galactica"? Piz and Wallace trying to "hackeysack?" Wallace's comment that hackeysack is a white man's sport? The fact that Piz was wearing some of Duncan's old clothes? The fact that Logan was snarky about Piz's clothes, just like he was snarky about them when Duncan wore them? Logan answering the phone when Keith called? I don't know, but "boom goes the dynamite" just might be it.

RIP Kendall.

The only problem--What the frack was going on with the opening credits? Whoever at the CW approved that stripped down version of "We Used to Be Friends" should have their head examined. Who tries to de-rockify the Dandy Warhols?

At least the show didn't try and take on any "Lost"-iosity. The show is bold, daring, and one that should not be missed.

Now--let's figure out who this serial rapist is!


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