Desperate Boredom
The nature of television is that some weeks just aren't going to be as solid as other weeks. It just has to happen. The pressure of churning out a new episode every 8 days or so is difficult, draining, and overwhelming. That's why every show has writing staffs. That's why the actors don't all work all the time. The poor little PAs might not get as much a break as some of the other people, but they're peons way down on the food chain. It goes with the territory.So I'll give a show a pass if it has a subpar episode, but last night were subpar episodes from Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy. The only thing that really kept me interested in either episode was seeing Teddy Dunn (Duncan on Veronica Mars--yeah it's coming back with new episodes this week) as the high school hockey player on Grey's. But even his story was missing a couple of beats at the end. It was like he had three quick scenes and that was it. That's not a storyline. That's a runner.
Sure, there was some interesting stuff with George. But seriously, what's with the Felicity-esque attention to his hair? He's a guy? Who pays that much attention to a guy getting his hair cut short? And it didn't even look that bad! I love the character of George. He's amusing and charming in a completely nerdy way. He's the kind of guy that you'd like to hang out with once--until he started talking about buying silver coins. Then you realize he needs a new hobby. But, there was still a little too much attention paid to him and his hair last night. The gag with Christina and the baby was great, but not that interesting. In fact, that's really what was wrong with most of the stuff going on last night. Everybody had little vignettes, but nobody had a complete story. There were quick beats with the whole Catherine Deneuve thing, but still, it just didn't feel like a fully formed episode for me.
Desperate Housewives was even less engaging. To have Kathyrn Harold come back as John's mother just for the purpose of sticking it to Gabrielle and Carlos? I didn't buy it for a second. And by the way, does anybody else find it odd that these people are spending money like it's no big deal? Neither of them have a job and they don't seem to have curbed their lifestyle. I don't know how much Carlos made, but they live in suburbia--not Beverly Hills. So where is their money coming from? Are they trying to make money blogging? Or are they just engaging in some illicit activity on the side?
The Susan storyline just felt like it got really old, really fast and why hasn't Zack figured out who his real dad is? The show is just burning through ideas so quickly, that I'm kind of tired of worried when it's gonna self-combust. Even Lynette and Tom who normally have the most grounded storylines felt off-kilter to me last night. Lynette telling her husband that he needs to take care of his own problems didn't ring true. It's not the couple we've come to love. These are people who want to work things out together. Not point fingers.
The only storyline I bought last night was Bree. I loved the scene with Andrew when she told him that he's not living up to his potential and she intends to make sure he does. I think it's a fascinating idea. I hope the show doesn't lose it. However, I do worry that this whole emancipation thing will be just another teen fantasy run amuck. (Does it seem strange to anybody else that there are multiple emancipated teens on TV? Who does this in real life? I mean, outside Los Angeles.) But if the show holds true to what is core to Bree--she does seem to be a mother than not only cares about how things look, but she also knows how to get them--hopefully Andrew will be able to grow into an interesting adult.
Hopefully. You'd just think that on the first night when the network is going up against The Sopranos, they'd try and get the episodes a little stronger.
I haven't seen Grey's Anatomy yet, but I caught DH on iTunes. My husband and I argued over whether indifference was really the opposite of love. The Susan storyline was poor, to say the least and the Doc's comments before surgery seemed very off to me. And the multiuse of the word skank made me feel like the 90s. Zack knows Mike Delfino is his dad. What's strange is that Mike is working so hard to get Zack to love him. And Paul Young getting away from two knife weilding convicts? Even if the show was soft, they still don't mind going for the gusto with their storylines.
I agree with you that "Grey's" wasn't quite up to par Sunday night. That's the trouble when you set the bar so high--fans get mighty cranky mighty quick if they aren't blown away by every episode.
I think the show was a muddle of little moments, none of them bad, just, yeah-you're right. There wasn't any BIG story, strong story. George being weird is getting a little old-although the scene with him and Meredith in the elevator was GREAT. He did EXACTLY what I would do in that situation!) And yeah dude, his hair DOES look THAT BAD. It's all uneven across his forehead! Come on! I thought the attempt to connect his hair-cutting to the hockey player cutting off his finger was a little over the top. His speech during surgery about cutting things off to stop the pain!?! Sorry--you want to talk about this NOW!?
I was screaming at my TV when Meredith and McDreamy were in the park with the dog, talking about what she did to George because I have almost that EXACT scene in my "Grey's" spec...guess I'll need to tweak that.
Next weeks' ep. looks interesting...multiple fatalities in one day. AND PLEASE--PLEASE--let Denny be one of them. Seriously, doesn't Izzie have anything else better to do than sit by this guy's bedside? It would be nice to see Dr. Burke step up and tell her to get back to work. I liked Izzie better when she was meeting Alex in closets for quickies.
As for "Desperate Housewives"-oh, is that still on? Sorry...didn't notice!
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