Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Builders Are In

I had the immense privilege of joining the Bishop Sullivan High School Forensics Team last week at the Smoky Mountain Invitational Speech Tournament.  I worked with these guys for two years before coming out to the West Coast, so it was particularly exciting to get to reunite with them, meet new faces, and watch them compete. 

Or, as their team captain said, I actually got to watch them wander into a room where there was a pile of wood.  I watched them build a stand and decide to open an a##-kicking stand.

And they opened it wide. 

This team's 15 kids carried approximately 55 events.  Of those, 28 broke to at quarter-finals.  Something like 23 of those went to semi-finals.  9 events ended up in finals.

The team ended up coming in 3rd overall in speech and 4th in sweepstakes, which combines speech and debate.  Here are the really impressive parts.  They only missed winning the entire competition by like 25 sweepstakes points (the equivalent of one more break to semi-finals and one first place) AND the team that won had over twice the number of events as our kids.  Plus, they didn’t even have a debate team and they came in fourth overall!  That’s how many points they had!

This tournament also gives out a Trithon award (the high school equivalent of pentath) for students who have at least one event in each of the three genres of category—public address, limited prep, and oral interpretation.  Bishop Sullivan was the only school to have two students to place in the trithon!  Go Crusaders!

Here is the individual breakdown of how the students did in each event.  

Extemporaneous Speaking—Michael Nugent (3rd); Jon Tan (4th); George Schaefer (6th); Chris Downs-(Semi-finals); Ashley Wilson-(Semi-finals)

Declamation—Michael Nugent (2nd); Amanda Kuhnley (3rd); Richie Debo (Semi-finals); Chris Downs (Semi-finals); Ashley Wilson (Semi-finals)

Storytelling—Amanda Kuhnley (Semi-finals); Renee Shuman (Quarterfinals)
Prose Interpretation—Megan Clark (Semi-finals); Christine Lewandowski (Semi-finals); Deanna Flemings (Quarterfinals)

HI—Renee Shuman (Semi-finals)

POI—Megan Clark (2nd)

Persuasion—Amanda Kuhnley-(5th); Stephanie Wilson (Semi-finals)

Impromptu Speaking—Chris Downs (Semi-finals); Michael Nugent (Semi-finals); George Schaefer (Semi-finals); Jon Tan (Semi-finals)

Poetry Interpretation—George Schaefer (6th); Christine Lewandowski (Quarterfinals)

Dramatic Interpretation—Megan Clark (Quarterfinals); Amanda Kuhnley (Quarterfinals)

Informative Speaking—Michael Nugent (3rd)


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