Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Random Things

First, ABC has bought the rights to "Footballers Wives" and are looking at the potential of making it into a television series for next fall. If you've never seen "Footballers Wives", it's classic campy soap. Like it almost makes "Melrose Place" look tame kinda campy. The thing is, that no matter how out of control it is, ABC will just have to tame it down for American censors and I'll be curious to see if it would play that way.

Second, and more importantly, we're coming into fall, which means that Oscar season is quickly approaching. Buzz is already starting to build. (Don't be surprised to see a repeat of Sunday night's showdown between Annette Bening and Helen Mirren happen at every awards show this year. Bening will quite possibly get another Oscar nomination for her lead turn in "Running With Scissors", while Mirren is building for buzz for playing Queen Elizabeth (the current one) in Stephen Frear's "The Queen." Frears' film is about the royal family's reaction to the death of Princess Diana.

Finally, while we're on fall movies, check out the trailer for "Little Children." This is Todd Field's first film since the brilliant masterpiece, "In the Bedroom" and this trailer is easily the best one I've seen all year. I'm in the process of reading through the novel this film is based on and I'm already putting this at the "I might have to go to the Arclight for the midnight screening of this" list.


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