Monday, August 14, 2006

And the Winner Is...Pt. 4

Chandra Wilson for Grey's Anatomy

Wilson managed to advance her character further than any other actress on television this season. Last year, Dr. Bailey was simply, "the Nazi." There wasn't a whole lot more we knew or cared to know about the character. She simply barked orders and gave people a hard time. This season however, we've learned more about Bailey and much of that has to do with Wilson's brilliant pitch-perfect performance. She showed us Bailey's vulnerability, humor, pain, agression, and disdain for stupidity. In other words, she showed us all--but just when we thought we'd seen everything for the character, Wilson managed to highlight a new and surprising aspect of "the Nazi." The depth of character she demonstrated is the kind of performance that Emmy voters like to reward.

Though Wilson is the freshest face in this group of nominated actresses, the fact that she's on such a buzz-friendly show, as well as having graced the cover of TV Guide means she shouldn't have to worry too much about being an unknown. She can match most of her competition toe to toe in terms of familiarity with the role.

Additionally, Emmy voters love to reward pregnant characters. Though it tends to work better for actresses in comedies (Jennifer Aniston, Lisa Kudrow, Candice Bergen), actresses who submit episodes in which they give birth have a history of success in terms of winning awards. And what a doozy of an episode "As We Know It" was. The Super Bowl and post SuperBowl episode were probably the two most hyped episodes of the season, and emotions ran incredibly high in both of them. The fact that Wilson chose to submit the second half of one was a brilliant move on her part. The other episode she submitted was "Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer." While that episode wasn't the tour-de-force for Wilson that "As We Know It" was, she still manages to bring her story of coping with morning sickness to the forefront of the episode, despite the fact that she gets significantly less screen time than the rest of her co-stars. Sounds like the definition of a Emmy Winning Supporting Actress to me.


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