Wednesday, August 09, 2006

And the Winner Is...Pt. 3

Sandra Oh for Grey's Anatomy

There is no show hotter than Grey's Anatomy and there is no question that Oh is at the center of the heat.

Despite the ensemble nature of the show, Oh really is the star. Oh wait--she isn't? You could have fooled me and everybody else who's ever seen Grey's. She overshadows Pombeo and Dempsey in a way that screams for recognition, but you never once get the idea that she's trying to hog the screen. She just radiates that much presence. Unlike many supporting players, she doesn't steal scenes she's in--she owns them even before she walks into the frame.

Furthermore, Yang is an incredibly realized character--full of contradiction and depth that has experienced a significant amount of growth this season, becoming more of a human being and less of a clinician. This season saw her lose and regain a boyfriend, lose a baby, almost see her best friend blown up, and come to the realization that she is fallible and human.

The two episodes Oh has submitted, "Deny, Deny, Deny" and "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer" are great examples of what she does best on the show. "Deny" to the third is a nice showcase for her when her mom comes to town after losing her child and discovering she won't be able to have children. "Reindeer" has her dealing with the fact that Burke wants to have Christmas, only to be surprised that he believes in spirituality in comparison to her stark belief in medicine and science. Both episodes allow Oh to show her range, they find her in a sympathetic light, and help us care about her character. So much so that she could be holding the Emmy on awards night.


At 8:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Her performance in "Deny"-cubed had me laughing, then crying, and utterly incapable of taking my eyes off her. She dominates this show, but not in an obvious, scenery-chewing Edie Falco kind of way. Her performances (that great line, "SOMEBODY SEDATE ME!!!!" comes to mind...) never scream, "This is my Emmy tape!" and I love her for that. Class act. I'm with you on this one. (And I think I agree with all your other predictions thus far...)


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