Sunday, August 27, 2006


So I sit here waiting on someone from work to send me a file so I can do my thing, I realize that the more and more people I work with, the more I come to realize that I believe in deadlines much more than most people. I was continually amazed at how many of the people I used to work with were very cavalier about deadlines. Managers chose to submit products after the client's deadline and employees would submit drafts and deliverables late to their managers. I thought it was a problem unique to our company, but the more I talk to my friends and other co-workers, the more I understand that it's not a problem unique to the mess I worked with.

So why is it a problem? I mean, in most cases, deadlines aren't arbitrarily decided deadlines are they? If somebody tells you they need something by August 27th at 7:30 p.m., there's probably a reason why, right? It just shows respect for the other party if you give it to them in time. Or if you are incapable, either give them what you have or notify them and let them know that it's going to be late. That's the least a respectful person can do, right?

Maybe I'm just overly-sensitive on this matter. In fact, I'm sure I am. I remember my English teacher in high school was really adamant about deadlines, but ended up being appalled when I sent dispatched someone from the emergency room to turn in an essay. She said that the papers better not be late, and I believed her. Maybe a bit too literally, but still...

And I'm still waiting....


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