Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Winding Down

Chloe has an ex-husband? Is it wrong that this particular nugget is what got me the most excited last night? It was the only truly un-expected thing I didn't see coming.

So I think I got a goodly amount of exercise just jumping around my apartment the last thirty minutes of the 24 finale. This was tight, exciting, and just what I'd expect from 24. Sure, there wasn't a whole lot I didn't see coming, other than the fact that they ended in a cliff-hanger. I'm not surprised how they ended in a cliff-hanger (because they hadn't touched that huge dangling plot thread all year long), but still, it was great to see Martha and President Logan's showdown. (By the way, anybody have any idea where Mrs. Logan's assistant is?) Sure, like in all episodes of this show, there were things that stretched believability, but it was such fun.

The fun didn't really bleed over to the Alias finale. Sure, there were enjoyable moments--lots of them, but by and large, this was just a little too much double-crossing. I needed more of the bravura emotional moments like Syd dealing with the loss of her dad. I also did love the flashbacks to Sydney being recruited. It was so great to see Francie and learn that she was the one who'd originally introduced Danny and Syd. (Though it would've been great to see him, but I understand if the show didn't want to confuse our loyalties with Danny and Vaughan.) And how cool was it to finally see the name "Sydney" come up as a location. What a great way to begin the finale.

On the flip side, I just don't think that I bought Irina's ultimate demise. The writers and producers had done such a credible job of rehabilitating her, while making her still evil, for her to just announce that like Sloane, she no longer cared about what she'd purported to, but instead was more interested in Rimabldi and destroying the world? I didn't buy it. That really lessened the impact of the show for me. But at least we got the fabulous self-sacrifice of Jack. His actions were exactly in character with who he was. He even got to bring down the man who'd caused him a world of pain and agony, but in a way that felt honest, noble, and necessary. (Unlike Jack Bauer's assassination of Henderson.)

Still, I will greatly miss Sydney, Vaughan, and Marshall.

But not the Applewhites. Could that story have been more of a non-starter from the moment it began last year on Desperate Housewives? It's as bad an idea as somebody deciding that Tom had a child from a one-night stand 12 years ago and suddenly the mom wants him to be in their lives. I mean, who's stupid enough to think...Oh wait. Somebody is.

The Housewives finale was disappointing, particularly since the show had improved in the back half of the season in comparison to the beginning, but it looks like the downward spiral is about to start again. Sure, it was great to see how Mary Alice got to know everybody on Wisteria Lane. As always, Marcia Cross had stuff to work with and made the most of her storyline. (Though somebody needs to tell Charlotte that Trey has moved out of New York City and gone loco.) Still, Bree does not need another crazy falling in love with her.
And I don't want Mike to die, but I just don't know that I still care about most of these people.

We'll see.


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