Monday, May 22, 2006

Freaked Out

Feeling sluggish today (it's been raining) and a little disappointed (maybe it was the lackluster Housewives' finale last night or I'm still in mourning for the passing of Everwood), but I didn't feel like blogging. Then I saw the following information that really got me freaked out.

"National Insurance Crime Bureau's (NICB) latest report that says California is home to six of the top 10 auto theft locations in the nation." Great. Just what I need to hear. But did they bother to say where they were in the state, cause it's kind of big? No. It at least explains the exorbant car insurance prices everybody in this state pays.

So what to do? Thankfully, GEICO has some suggestions. (There's a reason why I have my insurance with this company.)
  1. Keep your vehicle locked at all times, even while driving. Close all windows and sunroofs, no matter how hot it is. Check.
  2. Never leave your keys in the car. Check.
  3. If possible, park in busy, well-lit areas. Thieves prefer to work in the dark. Leave your car in park or in gear with the wheels turned toward the curb or some other obstruction, so thieves won't be able to tow it easily. I park wherever I can find a space--busy or not.
  4. Avoid leaving valuables inside your vehicle where passersby can see them. Does a box of Goldfish count as valuables? Cause otherwise, it's a check.
  5. Install an anti-theft system in your vehicle if it doesn't have one. I think one came standard. Maybe not. I'll have to look in on this one.
  6. Beware of the "bump-and-rob" technique. Carjackers bump your car from the rear, then steal it when you get out to look for damage. When stopped at a traffic light, leave room to maneuver around the vehicle ahead if you need to. If another car bumps yours and you feel threatened, drive to a populated area. If you have a cell phone, call the police for assistance. Cell phone--check.
  7. Do not leave registration or title in the car. Look into this. Make sure you have registration and title period.
  8. Look around. Be aware of your surroundings, especially in garages, parking lots and gas stations. Duh! You're driving! Shouldn't you know where you are. Check.
  9. Know where you're going. Check. Thank you Thomas Guide and Mapquest!
  10. If confronted by a carjacker, do not resist. Cars can be replaced; you can't. Um, I'd really be more worried about my CDs than my car. I guess I should work on that one.
  11. Have your car's vehicle identification number (VIN) etched on each of the windows. Yeah, totally not.


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