Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Blogging Purpose?

So I was talking to someone from back East the other day, and he was complaining about not knowing anything about what was going on with me in my life. I started telling him this and that, and then I asked if he'd bothered to read my blog. He said no and seemed pretty intent on not reading it since he thought that it was "the downfall of our society." He objected to the idea that bloggers feel like they have a platform to say whatever they want, when in reality, if they had anything worth saying, they'd find a way to say it.

Initially, when I started blogging, the point was a way to try and keep in touch with people and share my thoughts on films/television. I guess I've done that in a way, but not really. I throw in all sorts of musings in, so what's the purpose? What's the draw?

I guess in someways, (actually in most ways) blogging and reading blogs are like carefully constructed views into someone's personal diary. It's like putting a good face forward, but at the same time, peering into the daily doings and thoughts of someone--whether you've ever met them or not.

Then others use their blogs for corporate schilling for items like auto insurance or films like The Constant Gardner (which by the way I hear rocks.)

Then there are those that use the blog as a constant form of the anonymous Christmas letter.

Then there are those who use a blog to write their own Carrie Bradshaw-esque column for "readers."

But what is mine and what should it be? I don't know the answer to that yet. I haven't figured it out, but I'm starting to realize that I need an answer there, so I'm going to start thinking about it. In the meantime, let me schill more and encourage all of you to go watch Veronica Mars if you're not already.


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