Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Why Does This Give Me No Hope?

Why am I not encouraged to hear about the centrist compromise concerning the filibuster? Why do I not believe that it will last for more than two weeks? Call me cynical, but as inexplicably inept as this Senate has been at doing anything substantial, a sudden move to bi-partisanship doesn't ring true.
What's really frustrating about the Senate's entire process of yelling during this showdown is that both sides claim to be doing what is best for their constituents.
Untrue--they're engaging in more partisan sniping. What is best for the American people is to actually get something done. Pass an appropriations bill on time. Provide some ways to lower the cost of gas--whether through tax release or funding for more research into alternative energies. Figure out what to do about this little conflict in Iraq.
It's not that the judicial nominations aren't important, but does the average American care? Probably not. In fact, data I've seen indicates no, but instead of focusing on the things that are deemed important by the constituents that elected them, the Senate leaders carp over parliamentary procedure. I'm not saying that filibusters, the history of the Senate, or the nomination process is unimportant. It just strikes me that arguing over and over about this issue, seems to indicate an inability to see the forest for the trees.
Why do I care? I moved to the West Coast to avoid DC politics, right? True--at least in part. But as I look at the papers reading these stories of such potential gone to waste, it frustrates me. As I've been seeing reviews for McCullough's new book, 1776, it just makes me wonder--is this what so many people have died for? Is this the system our Founding Fathers walking down "the hallowed halls of Congress" really wanted?


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