Tuesday, April 04, 2006

So many updates

We're in for the long haul here. It's been a while since I've updated.

Everwood--last night's episode continues to show where there is no better show on television at capturing the reason why people do things. I loved that they came back to the child Ephraim had, but didn't know about. It explains so much of why he's reaching out and trying to grow as a man. And, for me, I didn't see it coming, but I should have. Beautifully done. Beautifully.


24-Umm, I don't know that I buy the twist at all. I know that I'm not supposed to really see it play out until next week, but I've started playing back the whole season in my mind and right now, I don't think it works. It doesn't make sense. And let's not even get into the fact that it's pretty offensive--floating the idea that our nation's leader would be so duplicitious and evil. Never mind the fact that they've shown nothing in the man's character to make us think he's even capable of orchestrating a wedding, much less a terrorist plot.

Scrubs--again late, but yeah! Turk and Carla are having a baby! More good news for this show--especially in the wake of Mitch Hurwitz announcing he wasn't going to continue with Arrested Development, in today's USA Today, ABC President Steve McPherson says that if NBC doesn't renew the show, it will migrate to ABC in the fall! So yeah! If it does, then I'll probably never see anything on NBC cause for sure, I'm never suffering through another episode of the garbage that is called Heist.

Grey's--so nice to see Mare Winningham on the show. Wish they'd given her something to do. Also, Meredith's introduction to McVet was nice too. Very much in the spirit of the show. But really, as much as I am enjoying this show, won't it get off so What About Brian can start? JJ Abrams in Felicity mode? I'm sooo stoked.

Thank You For Smoking--Great movie. Funny, satirical, effective, and greatly enjoyable. Aaron Eckhart gives his best performance since In The Company of Men. Perfectly nailing the every-graying lines of ethics and morality in the lobbying realm, the film does a nice job of recognizing that sometimes a moral center is hard to hold onto, but very capable of being done. And did I mention it was just funny?

Brothers--I watched this Danish film on DVD last night and really recommend it. It's definitely not a Hollywood film. About halfway through the film, it pulled the rug out from under me in a way I was not expecting. The film stars Connie Nielsen and is about two brothers. The younger one is just getting out of prison and is a major screw up. The older one is married and a seasoned Major in the military. He is deployed to Afghanistan and it throws his entire family into limbo as they struggle to come together.


At 1:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saw "Thank You For Smoking" Friday night and, even though it stung a bit, I LOVED it. And by "stung a bit" I mean the exchange between Nick and his son:

"Dad, what's a lobbyist?"

"Well son, a lobbyist is a person with flexible morals..."

COME ON! Well, I guess we had it coming. I LOVED this movie, and the scenes in LA with Rob "He Loves Asian $hit" Lowe and Adam Brody were HILARIOUS. A movie that satires both Hollywood AND Washington and ends with an anti-big government message? How did this movie get made?!!

Loved it to pieces.

And don't get me started on Chris O'Donnell (who has gotten SO much hotter since he baby-faced days as Batman's sidekick)...what an entrance! Can't wait to see what develops! $10 says Meredith gives up knitting REALLY SOON!


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