Monday, December 19, 2005


The New York Times runs an elaborate story today about online kiddie porn. It's a heartbreaking piece to read.

While there's not much information in here that's completely new (though the reporter acts like every person hasn't gotten some kind of e-mail spam promoting one of these webcam sites), it's devastating to read. Even more so, because you know this kid just kept going back to it, feeling that in some ways, it empowered him. It's the same argument that strippers use to justify their employment--they claim that they have the power and control in the situation. And while porn stars and strippers might have possession of dominance in that specific instance, what they are doing is gradually giving up the control over their own lives and psyche. To see a 13 year old boy get drawn into that is a frighteningly heartbreaking ordeal. Then, to learn about his dad's roll in it is beyond disturbing.

The article's a hard read, but one well worth it, particularly to those who work with young people.


At 8:45 AM, Blogger Dogburt said...

Very difficult read, but wow, what a job that investigative reporter did. And it looks like the kid has experienced redemption in the end, hopefully to the benefit of many other kids in the same spot.


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