Sunday, September 04, 2005

Going on Two Months

Since I've had no place to live, I haven't had a television in almost two months now. Technically, I do own a television, but it's in storage with most of my other stuff, so I guess the appropriate phrase is that I haven't been able to watch television for over two months.

And I feel like I'm going crazy.

I really have no idea what's going on with Hurricane Katrina. I just know it's bad.
I haven't seen Prison Break or Rome. (This one is particularly bad.
I didn't know that a television station in Memphis is accusing Craig Brewer of allowing thousands of people to die. (Don't worry--it's not true. I got the inside scoop on that one.)

My eyeballs have never been so bored in their lives. They think they've done something wrong. They think they're back in the eighth grade and that I've gotten three Bs on my report card. They are fearful that Mrs. McFadden is going to show up at any moment carrying that enormous yard stick around asking what the chemical symbol for magnesium is. (I think it's Me, but in no way shape or form would I want to bet on that.)

I'm sure that part of the reason that gas is as expensive as it is now is that I haven't been watching television, which causes a lot less advertising viewership, which means less avenue dollars, which just results in the entire economy being screwed up, which in turn means higher gas prices. Is this a self-centered argument? You could argue that, but if you lived over 2000 years ago and somebody came up to you and said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life" wouldn't you wonder if somebody needed an ego check? (Is that blasphemous to say? Am I going to keel over right now? I hope not.) Either way, the apparent ego involved in both statements doesn't make them any less true.

I watch that much television. Maybe that's why I've been so stressed the last couple of months. I haven't had my natural decompressor. (The whole fact that I've been paying attention to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and worrying about shelter might be a factor too, but I don't really want to dwell on that for the moment.) I'm just so looking forward to getting a place to live just so I can have my TV back up and functioning. Sure, I miss my bed, having a dresser to put clothes in, but it's the lack of television that is making my soul shrink every day.

Not too much longer until I'm reunited.

And we wonder why I'm not dating....


At 12:18 PM, Blogger Sarah Anne Sumpolec said...

Anthony - you crack me up...heck, all the studio execs are probably scratching their heads wondering what the heck happened to their viewership. Little do they know it's all YOUR fault:-)

I hope you have TV by the time the new seasons roll out...otherwise whole shows will probably fail...


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