Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Too Many Crazy Nights

I'm not a M. Night Shamamamaml-ego-yan fan. He's got just too much arrogance for the minute amount of talent he's demonstrated as a director and as a writer, it's clear that he knows about set ups and payoffs, but the execution of his ideas lack in relation to the loftiness of them. Sure, there are some people who will get excited about an upcoming film being released, but give me a Soderbergh film any day. (And there are possibly two coming this fall--The Good German and Che!)

Anyway, much of the buzz around The Lady in the Water has to do with the falling out between Night and Disney, the studio that was responsible for Signs, The Sixth Sense, and Unbreakable. Apparently, the head of the film division didn't really believe in the script and gave him notes. Night felt hurt and ran wimpering to Warner Brothers.

It's all been documented in a new book called The Man Who Heard Voices by Sports Illustrated writer Michael Bamberger. Bamberger spent some time following around Night and the book is flooding the Hollywood gossip pages. What's the scoop? Does Night come off as an insecure genius or just an insecure loon?

Well, according to Janet Maslin (you gotta love the brilliance of this woman), plan on him coming out more like a loon. When the book comes out next week, we'll have the opportunity to see.


At 9:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to see Shymalan surprise us with some other ending than The Montage Twist Ending. It worked in his initial Sixth Sense, then became his trademark, but it's now getting stale.

I mean, how many times can we see a montage of flashbacks showing how Shymalan was fooling us all along until the Shymalan Twist Ending?


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