Tuesday, November 08, 2005

My Life as a Valet

I’ve never understood why celebrities think they should receive preferential treatment.  Sure, if you’re on a set, then the people most important to the success of the project will receive perks different from those who actually do the majority of the work.  It might not seem fair, but that’s the way it happens.  (No different from the “Members Only” elevators on Capitol Hill.)  However, when celebrities are just out and about during the course of their every day life, then why do they expect to get things that others don’t receive?

For instance, last night The Museum of Television & Radio in Los Angeles held its annual gala.  I’ve been working with them for the last couple of months trying to get everything taken care of, organized, etc.  After the Gala was over, the line to the valet stand was miles long.  (It made me wonder why people just didn’t self-park.  It would’ve been worlds faster, but then, hey this is Beverly Hills.  Why do something yourself when you can pay someone more and let them do it instead?)

So I wandered outside to look for one of the honorees to give him the box his award came in since he left it backstage.  Being a busy man, he’d already left.  As I was walking back in, Mrs. “I’m not a nurse in Vietnam, but I played one on TV” stopped me, asked me if I was part of the staff, and wondered if there was anything I could do to get her car for her faster.  

I objected to being asked this question. Granted, it was like she was asking for ruby diamond rings, but I objected to being asked this question by one celebrity that was part of our evening, when there were other actors and stars in line that were “bigger names” that were waiting in line and didn’t ask me for their help.  (I also objected because I honestly had no clue of what to do or how to help her.)  However, sensing that this was someone we needed to keep happy, I obliged.  I flagged some valet down, asked if he could help me and proceeded to watch as he skipped 35 people in line and got the car for this actress.  

It wasn’t the high point of my night.  (Though it did beat this “WHAT DO YOU NEED” look I got from one of the actresses on ER when I crept up on them, hoping to interrupt their conversation in an effort to get the signature on a release form from one of her co-stars.  The co-star however, was as polite and nice as could be.)


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