Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Late to the Bench

I just don't know what I think about Prison Break. I was thoroughly intrigued by the show when it was first announced last year. The promos looked great, but things were still really in flux for me in August, so I just got the copies of the episodes and said I'd catch up with it soon. Soon turned out to be last weekend. I watched all the episodes of the show that had been broadcast and then last night I watched the new one.

I'm not sure I dig the show.

Sure, Wentworth Miller is a breakout star. But, AHEM--I think those of you who received my Top 10 list for 2003 saw his inclusion on that list for his role in The Human Stain, so he's not that new to me. The episodes are generally well-directed (though the bumpers out of every act break are absurd and distracting) and engaging. The cast does a decent job in their roles, though some actors are more successful than others. (Though it is great to see Patricia Wettig playing the baddie. Such a change from thirtysomething. I guess that is what happens when you sleep with Sloane.)

The biggest problem with the show is that it stretches credibility just SO much. Somehow Michael is able to smuggle all these fancy little MacGyver gizmos into the prison to break out using baking soda and snot, but he couldn't just figure out a way to get his brother out that didn't require him to commit a felony? I'm willing to suspend disbelief a lot, but sometimes this just feels a little too much.

And don't even get me started about the NSA/Secret Service/VP subplot. Ludicrous doesn't even begin to describe it.

But the ridiculous issue I have with the show is Michael's tattoos. Anytime he's show with short-sleeves or shirtless, all I can think about is "How are you going to get rid of that? How much laser surgery is necessary to remove all that?" Those tats just gross me out and make my skin crawl. Stupid, I know, but I can't take them.

Maybe I just miss Oz too much.


At 7:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prison Break rocks. LOVE it...and not just b/c Wentworth Miller is hot.

The tattoos are fantastic!


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