Friday, September 30, 2005


So apparently, this is my 100th post. And of course, I'm not going to write anything substantive. Yesterday, I started to post about why Veronica Mars is so great and my reactions to the season premiere Wednesday night, but I quickly realized that was going to take more time than I had during my quick little lunch break, so then I thought I'd do a run down of my thoughts of the season/series premieres, but then I realized I was behind on those, so that's not going to happen for a few days.

Instead, I'll just say thanks for coming, reading, and providing talkback. Feel free for more. If I have a sense of what folks are responding to, I'll try and do more of that. Right now, since we're in the throes of a new TV season, my thought is to really make this more of a rant on programs--serve as kind of a watercooler thing. Though this isn't the format, sort of a more elaborate form of:

Alias--It may have jumped the shark one or two seasons ago, but killing of Vaughan got me verklempt and could give the program a whole new creative thrust.

Everwood--I wasn't as moved by this as a lot of people, though I did think it was good. That might have something to do with the fact that I watched it at 1:30 a.m. after getting home from Act Two. And I'm not convinced Bright's new roommate is gay.

So again, thanks--and let me know what you think!


At 10:55 PM, Blogger cinegod said...

I'm eager to see it, but I hesitate to go see it this weekend just because of the number of geek boys that I fear will be out in it. But if Joss Whedon does anything, I'll be there.

At 10:17 AM, Blogger cinegod said...

I did kind of enjoy it. At least the ones Joss wrote. I could definitely tell which ones were his and which weren't.


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