Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Isn't that the point?

That’s the I have a friend who seems to take exception with being referenced on this blog. He/she thinks that…actually I have no idea what he/she thinks. Yet, it never fails that whenever some remnant of a conversation, adventure, or anecdote we’ve shared pops up on here, he/she will inevitably call me and comment upon it. (Wanna take bets on how fast I get the call regarding this post?)

I’m also working on a script right now that includes a lot of observations I made watching people in some of my previous jobs. Okay, one of my previous jobs. One of the people who’s read it commented that the referenced parties will obviously recognize themselves in it, even though all their actions have been filtered through the prism of my imagination.

But isn’t that what a writer’s supposed to do? Observe, compose, and transfer? Part of what makes Friday Night Lights so brilliant (and yes, everything comes back to that show) is that is so keenly observed. The little moments that will sometimes be taken for granted are at the heart of this program. The writing staff has counted up all the little things that really make relationships significant (like Riggins’ surprise visit to hear Landry’s concert last week), no matter how small or large.

And honestly, I don’t know a writer is supposed to honestly transmit those moments if it is not by his/her observation of those people around him. So, if for some reason, you’re observed and object, sorry.


At 9:29 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I blog about my friends all the time.


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